Business Model Implementation and Enterprise Architecture - Part 3: Analysis of the Target Architecture

August 2, 2024

Analysis of the Target Architecture

The new business model changes your business processes or even demands implementation of

new business processes. But the change can go much further, since a change in your business process landscape will influence the collaboration model in your company (the way people in

different departments communicate and cooperate to let your business run successfully). Maybe

you need a completely new organisational structure for your new business or at least new

workflows or regulations.

Obviously, a change in your business processes may in many cases induce a change in your application service landscape. New or changed application services may lead to the need for new application components or changes in existing components. This in turn may lead to new software or changes in your existing business software. And of course, a new software release or a completely new software will not be without any effect on your IT infrastructure.

But that is not the end, yet. Implementing a new business model or a new distribution channel will raise many very important security questions. These questions might be answered by security infrastructure but sometimes also need an organisational change in your IT department.

Using our preferred standard for modelling the target process landscape, we get a model as shown in the following figure.

Having a look at the target process landscape might give you a first hint about the complexity of the project you have to perform. New entitities are shown in green, entities to be changed are highlighted in red. But not only services or processes might be changed, also relationships between entities like the triggering flow between business processes can be in scope of the project.